CCA Bateri Kereta BateriHub

Advantages of High CCA Car Battery in Extreme Weather

Extreme weather conditions can take a toll on your vehicle’s battery, especially in countries with harsh climates. One crucial factor to consider when selecting a car battery is its Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) rating. The CCA rating determines the battery’s ability to start the engine in cold temperatures. In cold weather countries, a higher CCA…

Bateri Kereta cuaca panas BateriHub

How Malaysia’s Hot Weather Affects Car Batteries

RMalaysia’s tropical climate is known for its scorching heat, presenting unique challenges for car owners. In this article, we will explore how Malaysia’s hot weather affects car batteries. Understanding these effects, from accelerated fluid evaporation to increased internal corrosion, is crucial for maintaining reliable vehicle performance. Malaysia’s hot weather can have a profound impact on…